Lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a common disease. Affected persons aged 25 and over. The disease is getting younger. Lumbar osteochondrosis, symptoms are noted in patients over 30 years of age.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of an incorrect, sedentary lifestyle. Many are forced to spend their working hours constantly sitting at the computer. It is important to lead an active lifestyle, perform physical exercises that maintain normal muscle tone, often there is not enough time for this.


Back pain with osteochondrosis

Few people pay attention to the first symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis. Initially, the disease is manifested by discomfort in the lower back. Severe pain occurs with heavy loads on the spine and when lifting weights.

Characteristic signs of the disease:

  • numbness, numbness of the back muscles when sitting in one position for a long time;
  • at a later stage, there is a slight pain that is aggravated by movement;
  • After an incorrect load on the spine, the patient is faced with a partial restriction of movement, severe pain that does not allow him to straighten his back, which leads to a sharp attack of pain.

It is recommended to seek medical advice. The consequences of neglected osteochondrosis are terrible. The disease provokes changes in cartilage tissue, leads to the formation of hernias. The patient is freed from a herniated disc through a surgical procedure.

The modified cartilage tissue becomes dense, reminiscent of bone tissue, the distance between them decreases, the nerve endings are pinched. Pain occurs in the lower back, leg, groin.

causes of diseases

A sedentary lifestyle cannot provoke disease. The causes of lumbar osteochondrosis often have a negative effect on the body from childhood. The formation of bad posture is the first reason that leads to osteochondrosis. Extra pounds, weight lifting, back injuries, genetic predisposition are the main reasons that lead to degenerative changes in the vertebrae.

Causes provoke improper blood flow to the cartilage tissue. The amount of nutrients supplied with the blood decreases, which leads to a lack of components necessary for the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

It is worth paying attention to back injuries. A severe spinal injury in childhood will disrupt the normal function of the intervertebral discs. Inflammation begins gradually. If you do not act in time, you will provoke the process with additional negative factors, in the future osteochondrosis will become a constant companion.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

The main thing - no self-treatment. cause damage to health, aggravate the condition.

The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis after diagnostic studies. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is effective when the diagnosis is known and the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is established. The procedures are aimed at eliminating factors:

Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis
  1. It is recommended to identify the cause that led to the formation of tissue changes.
  2. If osteochondrosis is accompanied by severe pain, the initial treatment is aimed at relieving pain and relieving the patient's condition.
  3. It is worth stopping the disease process and stimulating the regeneration of tissues damaged by osteochondrosis.
  4. When the pain goes away, the patient is prescribed massage complexes, therapeutic exercises and preventive procedures.

When it gets worse, the pain is so severe that movement causes severe pain. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized. If not necessary, the patient should be given home rest and bed rest.

The doctor prescribes strong drugs. In difficult situations, the patient is given a special blockade that relieves acute pain.

Therapy during the recovery period

Osteochondrosis is an insidious disease. It's impossible to heal. The patient is advised to follow the doctor's orders once the pain has passed.

If a neuropathologist has prescribed a reflexology course, then it is worth attending the sessions. After restorative manual interventions that relieve pain and restore muscle tone, you should regularly do physiotherapy exercises.

The complex of therapeutic procedures is aimed at eliminating complications that provoke osteochondrosis. In severe cases, procedures are ineffective. The patient is relieved of pain, anxiety and surgical intervention.

disease prevention

Healing, future security does not only depend on the attending doctor. Whether osteochondrosis returns or not depends on the patient. It is worth reconsidering a sedentary lifestyle.

From now on, physiotherapy and an active lifestyle should become constant companions. Prevention - swimming, leisurely walks in the fresh air. Patients often have physiological problems. Osteochondrosis is the cause of the patient's depressed state. The disease leads to constant irritation, depression, depression.

The main thing in the prevention of the disease is a mobile lifestyle, proper nutrition, gymnastics, swimming. Lumbar osteochondrosis becomes a problem for every second patient.

If you do not notice any signs of illness, lifestyle, work that limit movement, take care of disease prevention in advance. You should not wait for it to manifest itself, it is easier to protect your health in advance than to treat terrible complications.

Facts about osteochondrosis

Many diseases are caused by problems with the spine. Vertebrae in a healthy body have strict proportions to each other. A slight deviation from the norm provokes arthrosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis. Preparations for lumbar osteochondrosis cannot cure. They stop the development of the disease, eliminate pain and partially restore the work of damaged tissues.

Incorrect posture - osteochondrosis in the future, early aging of the skin. Youth depends on the strength of the muscles responsible for maintaining facial muscles. Incorrect posture, hunched shoulders, hanging head weaken the back muscles of the neck and head. Leads to the formation of a second chin, the progression of osteochondrosis.


Disease prevention is more effective than therapy. In order to prevent the progression of the disease, parents should pay attention to the child's posture from childhood and take measures to prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

For prevention and strengthening the health of the body, it is recommended to participate in sports departments, follow a balanced diet and treat injuries in a timely manner.